Whether you are just starting out in your business, or are ready to hone in on your creative voice, I am excited to sit down with you and help refine your unique dreams and passion for the art of photography.
My highest priority is serving each individual in front of me in a way that is meaningful to them, so our time together will be hand-tailored to answering your most prominent questions surrounding growing a thriving and standapart photography business, and then creating an action-plan to put your dreams in motion.
This Zoom Mentor Session is a great way to really focus on a few areas of your photography business that you would like to grow and evolve in. We'll sit down virtually over coffee and work through any questions you have over the course of our time together. You will be able to take notes as we go in-depth on the areas that mean most to you!
During this session, we can cover a selection of the following categories:
—portfolio review
_—defining your style
—branding and brand identity
—attracting your ideal client
—emails & client experience
—social media
1.5 hrs / $500
This in-person session is best for those local to Grand Forks + Fargo. If you are located in Western ND or the Minneapolis/St. Paul-area, get in touch and we can definitely work something out! I love that these sessions provide the space and opportunity to sit down at a coffee shop and really sort through your business, where it currently is, and where you would like it to go. Once we go over that, we will take a deep dive into how we can improve specific areas of your business to help it grow and evolve into the brand you are dreaming of.
During this session, we'll cover most of the following :
—portfolio review
_—defining your style
—branding and brand identity
—attracting your ideal client
—emails & client experience
—social media
3 hrs / $1,000
6 hrs / $1,500
This session has it all! We will meet at a coffee shop and spend the first 2 hours doing a deep dive into your business. Like in all of my in-person sessions, we will create a road-map to take your business from where it currently is, to where you want it to go. Throughout this time, I will answer any specific questions you have, while giving you tips and tricks I have learned during my time in the industry. We will cover most of the following:
—portfolio review
_—defining your style
—branding and brand identity
—attracting your ideal client
—emails & client experience
—social media
We will spend the next two hours doing a live shoot with a real couple or model I have hired, depending on what type of photography you do! I will style the whole thing, so all you have to do is show up and shoot! You will be able to see how I direct my couples, interact with them, find light, and look for unique angles. You are free to ask any questions you might have...and then it's your turn! I'll help to gently push you out of your comfort zone, while giving constructive feedback and insight along the way.
After we finish shooting, we will sit down over lunch/dinner and talk through the post-processing workflow. We'll edit a selection of your images from the live shoot using your presets, and I will help give pointers on how to take your editing process to the next level in Lightroom!
6 hrs / $2,250
Everything offered in the In-Person (Styled) session, but with a friend! This allows you to share the experience (and cost!) with a fellow photographer friend, while taking a deep dive into each of your businesses.